
What should Teachers do to Increase Student Motivation?

What should Teachers do to Increase Student Motivation? A teacher is a person who helps students to acquire or learn something. Becoming an effective and great teacher is very important for any person, who wants or passionate about being a teacher.

An effective teacher is censorious for academic success. A good teacher must have good qualities which include good communication skills, time management, teamwork, and organization.

How Teacher can Increase Student Motivation?

Motivation is defined as the process of learners’ attention becoming focused on achieving their academic goals. Motivation is a vital part of a student`s educational experience from pre-school to the university level.

One of the biggest challenges in the classroom for teachers is to improve the student`s motivation. There are two types of motivation for learning which are intrinsic and extrinsic.

Intrinsic motivation occurs when a student has an interest in learning, while extrinsic motivation occurs when reward, appreciation drive them in the classroom.

Here are some strategies that can be used in the classroom to motivate students:

  • Prepare Engaging Lessons:

No matter how rough and dry a subject is, find ways to make it interesting and exciting for your students. Often students are unmotivated because they are bored and dispassionate. Try to grab their attention by using music, art, and other hands-on activities.

For example, if you are delivering a lecture on poetry discuss poetic devices within the lyrics instead of just reading. This technique will increase student’s motivation.

  • Give Students Options:

Each student has his own passion. One taste of interest is different from others. They learn differently and should have a variety of projects which boost their level of interest. For example, instead of writing exams give a variety of projects or assignments to choose from, which include delivering presentations, art or drawing, and writing an essay. By doing this, you are giving various learning styles to the students, which help to motivate them.

  • Positive Learning Environment:

A teacher`s personality and positivity affect the overall classroom. When you are teaching a particular subject, you must show your passion and vivacity, which can be ineffective for most students. Besides teaching, make sure that the classroom rules are detailed so every student can participate and give their opinions and comments without taunts. A positive learning environment also helps the students to increase motivation.

  • Build Bond with Students:

A student spends most of his time in school, so it’s important to build a strong bond or relationship with teachers. Students who have a positive relationship with teachers are more engaged in learning. Open up with your students about the background and ensure them that you are actually interested in making a connection with them. Conduct surveys and question about their favorite book, movie, sports, and hobby which help them to uncover their personalities.

  • Reward Program:

Reward encourages a student to develop a sense of learning. Rewarding students reinforce positive behavior and a desire for learning. Rewarding programs may include giving praise to students for accomplishing a task or assignment and being active participants in classroom activities. Rewards can increase the level of motivation of the students in the classroom.

  • Encourage Self-Reflection:

Most of the students want to succeed; they need help in figuring out what actually they want to reach there. Motivate your students to take a hard look at themselves to determine their strengths and weakness. These kinds of analyses motivate them to achieve their own objectives and goals.

  • Manage Student Anxiety:

Some students find the prospect that they are not doing well. They are surrounded by a sort of anxiety that de-motivates them. They start underestimating them.

A teacher should support them and ensures them that struggling with a subject isn`t the end of the world. Motivate them and make sure that they don`t feel overwhelmed by the expectation.

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Rizwan Malik

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